PreCheck (service to employers)

The pre-placement medical examination provides employers with a baseline health assessment and, in cases where job demands are clearly specified, will assist with risk management and identify whether an employee is medically suitable for the role for which they are applying. Restrictions and recommendations are also documented to assist the employer meet their duty of care obligations.

Pre-placement medical assessments are conducted by experienced consultants who assess:

  • Personal health history 

  • Height, weight and physical ability

  • Visual acuity and colour vision

  • Urinalysis (for the detection of blood, glucose and protein)

  • Pulse rate and blood pressure

  • Respiratory, circulatory and digestive system

  • Spine and nervous system

Appointments are necessary for PreCheck and can be made directly through the information and bookings line or via email. PreCheck interviews are arranged within 24-48 hours. Reports are provided to the employer within further 24 hours. In case of urgent medicals, reports can generally be prepared on the same day of the interview and transmitted via facsimile or email. All our branches offer PreCheck and BioCheck shemes. We offer competitive PreCheck/Biocheck contract schemes that may suit recruitment companies providing staff at all levels and to all industry sectors. Please contact us for more information.

Some employers now choose their candidates also to undertake BioCheck testing , that is a 32-parameter blood test screening. BioCheck can identify or confirm underlying medical conditions that may affect the performance of an individual during his job.

Both PreCheck and BioCheck are reported in confidence to the medical officer of the employer and are available to the individual for consultation or advice.

Subject to prior request of the employer, we also offer occupational health testing that covers all areas related to drug and alcohol intoxication.

To learn about corporate healthcare prices, registration is required. Upon registration a password to the pricing list will be emailed to you. Otherwise, please call us to discuss a proposal.


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020 74678452

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