BioCheck and BioCheck-Plus (to employers and employees)

A complete picture of the health status cannot be drawn unless some blood testing has been performed. Cliniserv offers a full range of blood testing either in the format of individual tests or as diagnostic/screening profiles, specifically designed for diagnosis or monitoring of specific medical conditions. The 32-parameter full BioCheck is a screening profile that can tell, in most of the cases, if there is anything wrong with your health. Full BioCheck has two versions tailored for males and females.

BioCheck-Plus is a program that expands into other tailored-made profiles in addition to the full BioCheck. These additional profiles, can help to diagnose or monitor a specific condition you are thinking of or worried about. BioCheck-Plus scheme comprises 52 profiles and screenings to choose from.

For example, one may be interested to know how effective is the gym training or to identify how the body responds to this training. The athletic and fitness profile can tell you all that is required to monitor this activity.

On the illness side now, BioCheck-plus profiles can be extremely valuable to monitor a past or an ongoing (you are worried about) infection, like Hepatitis for example. You may wish to check your current Hep status. In this case the liver function profile or the acute Hepatitis profile are suitable to investigate a past or new infection (reveal any recurrence signs, assess the healing process, assess the viral load etc.).

Perhaps, you may wish to assess the so-called thrombotic risk, following a heart attack episode you've suffered. The thrombotic risk profile can be added to BioCheck-Plus and will provide you and your doctor with accurate information to assess the current status and select the most appropriate treatment.

Ccombining BioCheck-Plus profiles needs to be discussed with the CliniLine specialists, to select the appropriate combination, best to investigate a condition. BioCheck-Plus can either include up to TWO more diagnostic/screening profiles (in addition to the full BioCheck) or 15 individually-selected tests from a 600 Bio-Chemical Pathology range. Obviously, CliniLine, may advise what your exact testing requirements are. A list of test indications and their diagnostic utility is also provided for your information.

Cliniserv has paid significant attention to secure medical confidentiality throughout all steps, in accordance with Data Protection Act 1998. Therefore, if you wish not to disclose your personal details to us this can be done through ClinER card that allows anonymous medical testing.


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