ChroniCard and ChroniCard-Plus (service to employees)

This program is offered to company employees of any age, that suffer from a pre-existing condition, whatsoever. We extend this offer to family members of company employees family. Monitoring of chronic illnesses can be very expensive, time consuming and costing many out-of-work days on annual basis. Whatever the problem is, ChroniCard offers full coverage and peace of mind. ChroniCard covers all the range of diagnostic laboratory tests (Bio-Chemical Pathology) as well as ECG and ultrasounds.

How it works: By taking up an annual subscription on ChroniCard, coverage for one (ChroniCard) or more (ChroniCard-Plus) pre-existing medical conditions is arranged. All blood and ECG testing is covered on yearly basis. Monitoring a medical condition may require a set of tests to be performed regularly and ChroniCard has been designed to meet the requirements of the chronic patient that needs to be screened on average, once a month. The membership provides unlimited number of tests monthly, to monitor an ongoing or past medical condition. For example, a patient has been diagnosed a heart attack, is on a variety of pills regulating blood coagulation and cardiac strength. The medical condition is heart attack and the member is eligible to take monthly any number of tests required to monitor his health status. This, may include but not limited to, haematology profile, thrombotic risk profile, drug level assessment, as well as ECG.

A female subscriber may have suffered ovarian cancer and undergone surgery and post-surgery chemo-or radiotherapy. She is required to monitor some disease-specific cancer markers as well as general parameters reflecting her health status overall.

ChroniCard offers 12 monitoring cycles yearly for each specific medical condition . Will be the subscriber's and his doctor's decision (CliniLine, your own GP or specialist), how frequently the tests need to be taken. Ring Cliniserv and book a same day or next day appointment.

ChroniCard-plus is a similar program as ChroniCard, offering coverage for more than one medical conditions. Also here, 12 cycles of tests for each condition yearly, are included. The subscriber needs to tell us what medical condition(s) need to be monitored and we will arrange the rest. The Plus program is the most suitable cover for any co-existing medical conditions. Even if somebody is experiencing only one condition that needs monitoring, is perhaps advisable take the Plus option just in case an additional condition comes up. This gives you complete peace of mind. ChroniCard is valued at a very competitive price and can be used as a supplementary cover to an existing private health insurance that allows only a pre-set figure of expenses as outpatient.


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