CliniLine (service to employers and employees)

CliniLine is the subscriber's personal advisor on any health-related issue operating through a designated phone number. Whatever the problem is, the subscriber may call CliniLine to receive appropriate consultation from experienced physicians. CliniLine is a free-to-call telephone line for subscribers enrolled in one of our health watch programs (Chronicard, Clinicard) but is also an “a-la-carte” option for non-subscribers through a paying line. CliniLine answers queries about BioCheck, advises on any health-related problem including taking-medicines, side-effects and contra-indications, for the subscriber and family members.


Request a brochure or information line

08456100670 fax:08456100671

Book an appointment line ONLY

020 74678452

Request information, book a service, brochures or price list email:

Information and brochure

Confidential CliniLine

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